Dear Children: I’m Thankful for You


I’m a big believer in gratitude. From the Gratitude app I keep on my phone to document everyday random things I’m grateful for, to taking the time to be thankful when I’m stressed beyond belief and at my breaking point, I try to make gratitude a part of my everyday life. And the times when I’ve felt the crankiest, saddest or maddest have consistently been times when I’ve stopped making time to take a few moments and think about how great I have it. 

So as Thanksgiving rolls nearer and nearer and I begin to feel the pressure of folded (and put away!) laundry, a tidy home, homeschooling, date nights with husband, and quality time with four individual personalities, I’m making a concerted effort to be thankful for everything in my life.

This fall I’m thankful for tiny hands that will soon grow into big ones. I’m thankful for tummy bugs in a 9 year old that allows me to lay with her head in my lap, stroking her forehead until she falls asleep. I’m thankful for a toddler who sleeps through the nights, allowing me to take care of most nighttime emergencies. I’m thankful for a husband who watches our son and cleans out all of the poopy from the bath when that little stinker decides to let loose during bath time. I’m thankful for carrot omelettes served to me in bed by two little aspiring chefs (even if the carrots weren’t actually cooked). I’m thankful for a doctor who found a rare dysautonomic disorder in me the first time around instead of sending me searching for answers for years. I’m thankful for a disorder that, although it has caused heartbreak and set our lifestyle upside down, has made me slow down and truly appreciate the little things in life. I’m thankful for family that moved halfway across the county when I was pregnant with my fourth, solely to be helpful and be a part of their grandchildren’s lives. I’m thankful for the bond created between my husband and me by raising three girls over 7 years with no family nearby and only each other to depend on. I’m thankful for family in Hawaii. I’m thankful for cars that are paid off, even though the combined age of our vehicles is 13 years and repairs are expensive. I’m thankful that car repairs are cheaper than car payments. 


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