Finding the Balance Between Exercise and Cupcakes :: The Vary-8 Method


“Oh, you just had a baby. Be nice to yourself…” Something I tell myself often when I get discouraged over the extra pounds I am carrying around. Except that I *just* had that baby twenty two months ago. I can’t blame the weight on pregnancy any more. I can blame it on wine, Taco Diner, cupcakes, not exercising and, well, a busy life with two kids!

My desire to get back in shape is there, big time. But my discipline to stick to a fitness or nutrition program? Not so much. I felt like I was very healthy and fit during, and following, my pregnancy and then just plateaued. Once that progress plateaued, so did the motivation to keep going. I knew I needed to make a change to jumpstart things and get re-motivated.

The Vary 8 Method LogoI signed up for an early morning, 8-week bootcamp called the Vary-8 Method. I know Meghan, the owner and trainer, and when she told me, our mission is to help women find balance between exercise, nutrition, kids and cupcakes” well, it seemed like a natural fit for me. I knew I would have no excuses about being ‘too busy’ or having activities for my girls take priority over the gym. I would go before anyone in my house was even awake. And because the trainers seemed to befriend everyone, it would be obvious when I missed.

The night before bootcamp, I was excited and laid out all my clothes for the next morning. I had even treated myself to some new fancy workout pants.

Day 1 – Perhaps I was being a little dramatic but this is how I felt in the morning, “ugh, 5:30. You have to be kidding me. I cannot do this for 8 weeks. No. No one should be up this early.” It wasn’t so bad once I got there and everyone was pretty friendly. The workout was challenging. I knew that morning I had made the right decision in signing up and from then on really didn’t mind (too much) the early morning wake up call. 

Vary-8 Workout Collage2Each week presented a different fitness theme and there was so much variety – that kept it interesting for me. It wasn’t just push-ups and burpies, there was also Barre method, Pilates, martial arts, dance, and strength training.

Not only did I get myself moving again but I learned a lot from Meghan and Jill, the trainers. I have always thought heavy weights = bulk. So I stick to my trusty 5-8lb lady-weights. However, I learned that’s not really the case. Women have less testosterone than men, and by that fact alone, will tend to get smaller, longer looking muscles. The muscle itself will develop but won’t gain a large amount of mass. The “toned” appearance comes from removing the fat that is covering a well-developed muscle. And since muscle burns fat at a higher rate, muscle begets muscle.

Vary 8 photo 2I also learned that for women over 30, we need a blend of only 30% cardio to 70% strength training to lose fat.

All in all it was a great experience. I lost inches all around and noticed my arms looking more toned than I have seen them in a while. I also benefitted from the clean eating nutrition plan and have implemented a lot of those changes at home. And I am excited about working out and pushing myself again.

If you are interested in learning more about the Vary-8 Method and their next session, you can find out more online and on their Facebook page.

Each bootcamp session includes:

  • A clean eating nutrition plan
  • A variety of workouts
  • Access to to online training videos for non-boot camp days
  • Indoor location – Farmer’s Branch Rec Center which is convenient to most highways in North Dallas   
  • A fun, friendly & encouraging workout atmosphere

Finding Balance Between Cupcakes and Exercise

The Vary-8 Method is offering a special rate for Dallas Moms Blog readers! Receive 10 weeks of unlimited morning or evening classes for $150. You will also have unlimited access to a fun, cardio dance weekend class called Club Boot Camp. This deal won’t be on their website, but you can sign up by e-mailing:  [email protected]


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