Today I Want to Run Away


Today I Want to Run Away

Today I want to run away,

Far, far, far away from here.

Away from the laundry and dishes,

Dirty diapers, tantrums, and tears.


I’m not certain where I’ll go,

But that’s really not important.

The only thing I’m sure of is

It must be somewhere less discordant.


But before I leave the chaos,

There are a few things I must do.

Like instructions to load the dishwasher,

Sweet Daddy doesn’t have a clue.


I should also make some freezer meals,

And a list of foods for the picky eater.

I guess I’ll need to wean little sister,

The house could certainly be much neater.


Brother needs a new pair of sneakers,

The dogs need checkups at the vet.

This list is getting longer and longer,

Just thinking about it is making me sweat.


As much as I would love a break, 

This is looking like a lot of stress.

It wouldn’t take long to miss the kids,

This whole plan I need to reassess.


This job is hard but so worthwhile,

So maybe I shouldn’t run away.

I bet I can make it a little longer,

So I guess at least for now I’ll stay.



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